Anyone who knows Ryan and I know that we are Libertarians. We both believe deeply in the individual and the individual’s right to choose. It is important that every person makes up their own mind on every issue, which is why education is so important. One of the benefits of being a libertarian, or a member of a democracy for that matter, is that we are able to decide where our money and time goes. For this trip we are asking for donations, but it is completely your choice. We have decided to have Team in Training as our charity of choice, but there may be issues that are more important to you. That is why I would like to go through several charities that Surly Headed East finds important and hopefully there is one or two that interest you.
Team in Training (TNT): As an endurance athlete myself, I have seen the positive effects that Team in Training has had on its participants. The majority of the money raised for Team in Training goes directly towards research to find a cure for blood cancer.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF): Having grown up on the
Kiva: Kiva is an organization that gives out micro-loans to poor entrepreneurs. Monetary capital and credit is very important for new businesses, which can often times be impossible to find. Kiva allows individual businesses to find credit all over the World to help fund their business, grow, and hopefully pull themselves out of poverty.
TOMS: Tomorrows Shoes is a store that donates one pair of shoes to a child in a third world country for every pair sold. I love the idea; this is the best side of capitalism. They work with the markets to help those in need.
Finally I would like to thank Laurie Schanken for being the first to donate to our cause! It was very generous of you and very much appreciated!
Thank you everyone for all of your support.
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